Large Vertical Mount-2.25”x 4”-8.8 ozs
The JMP Air Trap uses a proprietary fiber membrane to filter fuel to 10 microns and virtually eliminate air from entering the final fuel pump suction line. Smoke systems are also improved with use of the Air Trap. This design is extremely robust with properly designed end caps that deal with positive and negative pressures often found during fast fuel filling and draining. The JMP Air Trap comes completely assembled, leak checked, and ready for installation.
The Air Trap has positions for two “Fuel In” hose barb fittings that can be used for twin main fuel tanks. One of these “Fuel In” fittings can be blocked if there is a single main fuel tank requiring only one fuel inlet fitting. A center hose barb fitting attaches to the fuel filter membrane. This is the “Fuel Out” position which delivers fuel to the turbine fuel pump. Also, a drain/fill line is provided.
Hose Barb Fittings: The JMP Air Trap is available with hose barbs to fit either 1/8” i.d. or 3/16” i.d. tubing sizes. Many combinations of the two are also possible.
Construction: The Air Trap is constructed from aircraft grade aluminum and the finest West Systems Epoxy with a main body that is translucent. It is easy to visually check for system air leaks and overall fuel system performance.
Proper Filling: The fitting with the smaller hole is for the fueling/de-fueling line. Do not allow any air to enter this line when removing the fill line from the fueling station. Fold this fill line over in your hand when the tanks are full and install the plug. Very little air should show in the Air Trap when the fuel tanks are completely full.
Proper Operation: Typical clunk style fuel systems found in model jets do not deliver fuel perfectly, especially when the model fuel tanks are near empty. Some air is normal to see in the Air Trap. An amount of air that would leave the Air Trap half full is not good. Either the main fuel tanks were run very low or there may be a leak upstream in the fuel system. This should be checked out.
Proper Orientation: The vertical design Air Traps are normally mounted straight up and bolted to the model control board. The horizontal design Air Traps are normally mounted with the mounting tabs bolted down to the model control board. On the horizontal design, this keeps the “Fuel In” fitting to the top. If you decide to mount the horizontal design Air Trap upside down to the bottom of the model control board, you must reverse the “Fuel In” fitting and the “Drain/Fill” hose barb fittings. Drain/Fill must always happen from the lower side of the Air Trap. Just remember that air in the system must be forced up and out during the filling cycle leaving the Air Trap completely full of fuel.