Elite Aerosports Havoc
- Wingspan: 2.8m / 110 inches
- Length: 3.45m / 134 inches
- Weight: 50Lbs Dry
- Turbine: 200-300N
The Elite Aerosports Havoc comes highly Prefabricated and painted in your choice of any of the 25 available schemes and features the following:
- Carbon wing tube
- Carbon Horizontal stabilizer tube
- Carbon Vertical stabilizer tube
- Dual-wall Stainless pipe
- Removable ventral fins
- 6.5L fuel tank
- Wing, Stab and Rudder covers
- Your choice of German pneumatic landing gear or Electron electric gear and brakes with the impressive GS-200 controller with gyro brake assist and sequencer built in
Landing gear completion package £507.73
Landing gear completion package includes:
- (1) Jet Tronics double gear valve
- (1) Jet Tronics low loss brake valve
- (1) JMP high flow double fill valve and gauge combo. (Gear / Brake)
- (2) 700 ml retract air tank
- (1) brake air tank
- 3 colors of 4mm airline
- 1/8 brake line
- Festo fittings
Fuel system completion package £251.73
Fuel system completion includes:
- JMP high flow fuel fittings
- Xtra-Large composite vertical UAT
- 3/16 Tygon Fuel line
- Fuel vent system
*Price does not include postage. Contact us via email/Facebook page for more information*